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Best Preventive Maintenance Software Solutions 2021 [Complete Review]

Best Preventive Maintenance Software Solutions 2021 [Complete Review]

Every organization has some physical equipment or assets that need continuous maintenance and upkeep. Some companies require greater effort on maintenance to ensure there are no breakdowns, malfunctions, or equipment downtime. It’s crucial to maintain a maintenance schedule and keep track of all systems, and the best way to do so is with preventive maintenance software.

Preventive maintenance software, otherwise known as CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) or EAM software (Enterprise Asset Management), help you keep track of all maintenance operations. They help in budgeting, asset management, maintenance scheduling, inventory management, developing preventative maintenance plans, and managing maintenance costs.

In this article, we’ll go over why Limble works well as your preventive maintenance software solution, along with several other CMMS solutions you can check out.

Let’s dive right in.

Why Limble CMMS as Your Preventive Maintenance Software for Maintenance Management

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a work order software or just maintenance software; a complete CMMS software like Limble would provide all the services you need. When you automate your preventive maintenance program, you can ensure that there are minimal equipment downtime and maintenance costs.

Limble CMMS is specifically designed to offer the best preventive maintenance management through expert maintenance scheduling using simple checklists. As a result, your maintenance team never has to manually manage PM work orders, PM schedules, and PM tasks.

You can also develop a complete maintenance strategy with Limble CMMS using a PM calendar based on events, meter readings, and schedules. You can use customizable maintenance report forms and rotatable dashboards, so you can create custom KPIs, such as MTTR, MTBF, and real-time progress tracking.

Furthermore, you can use Limble CMMS on your mobile device in its entirety. You can also share all data and sync it across multiple mobile devices (including Android and iOS devices). The mobile app also has an instant notification system with identification barcodes. As a result, your maintenance department will become more efficient, quicker, and reduce any information lag.

The most crucial aspect of Limble CMMS is the predictive maintenance module that offers proactive maintenance management. As opposed to reactive maintenance, proactive work order management ensures you realize any faults or potential issues beforehand. That helps reduce equipment breakdown, develop contingencies, improves facilities management, and helps make spare parts usage more efficient.

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Best Preventive Maintenance Software Solutions Today

It’s best to go through various preventative maintenance software so you can make an informed decision on choosing the right CMMS software for your company. The following are the best preventive maintenance software you can opt for today with the most extensive set of CMMS benefits.

1.      Limble CMMS

Limble CMMS is a one-in-all maintenance management software that’s optimized to work for organizations of all sizes.

The CMMS software solution is designed for maintenance technicians; however, the user-friendly dashboard and interface allow everyone to learn it with ease. With a small learning curve, you can learn to use customizable dashboards, reports, and various maintenance features.

Making maintenance management easier, the software allows you to manage all your work orders and configure asset information in one window. You can also set PM schedules, view maintenance history logs, KPIs, and manage routine maintenance tasks.

Furthermore, you can track any specific piece of information related to any asset or piece of equipment. To make your life easier, you can also create custom fields to help you keep track of multiple preventive maintenance tasks. This helps plan out unplanned work and deploy custom strategies to tackle known issues.

You’ll also get host-to-vendor communication channels, IoT sensors, a multi-language interface, inventory management, and PM task logging automation.

Multi-platform availability allows you to get push email notifications, real-time maintenance tracking, and automated preventive maintenance scheduling. That also helps maintenance managers streamline maintenance activities and develop better workflows.

Limble CMMS offers a completely customizable, cross-platform, and fully integrated system, making it a great choice for your preventive maintenance software.

Visit Limble CMMS

2.      Hippo CMMS

Hippo CMMS is a web-based solution for maintenance management and is known to have one of the most user-friendly interfaces in the world of CMMS software.

The primary focus of the software is on increasing the life of our assets and equipment. That’s why the software has a complete asset information entry system where you can add ID tags, usage history, O&M manuals, warranty information, and more. You can access all that information in real-time at any time to continue with your equipment maintenance.

Furthermore, you can develop and deploy custom preventive maintenance scheduling protocols. You can use simple task checklists, standardized work order templates, and triggers. The customizability and flexibility of the scheduling options let you develop preventive maintenance schedules according to your company’s needs.

You can also develop custom work order reports based on a calendar schedule or meter readings. As a result, you’ll have complete control over your preventive maintenance plan at all times and can customize and modify work requests at any time.

Most importantly, Hippo CMMS is easy to learn and master and can be used by any maintenance professional with the necessary knowledge.

Visit Hippo CMMS

3.      Upkeep

Upkeep is a complete CMMS software designed to improve the productivity and agility of maintenance teams. What makes Upkeep different is that it’s one of the first mobile-first CMMS software with a focus on mobile maintenance management.

The idea is to provide complete control of all your maintenance activities on the go, so you can access and control work orders from anywhere at any time. The software focuses on group collaboration, offering various communication methods for maintenance teams.

You’ll find that a lot of the features focus on reducing equipment downtime. To help with that, you can opt for decision-making insights via reports.

Upkeep is known to improve asset life and the lifecycle of various equipment. Eventually, it helps maintenance teams achieve a higher ROI using more efficient communication and maintenance work.

You can create complete preventive maintenance work orders on mobile and receive task completion notifications in real-time. All the software data is backed up daily on the cloud, giving you a permanent backup and allowing you to access all the information at any time.

Most importantly, Upkeep improves the communication channels among the maintenance teams and other teams, improving collaborative efforts and reducing any administrative lag.

Visit Upkeep

4.      eMaint

eMaint is a maintenance solution with a specific focus on asset management. The software focuses on equipment management, asset life, resource allocation, and effective maintenance operations, all while ensuring all activities follow regulations and compliance standards.

It’s one of the few software that offers full custom configuration and functionality. That means that you can work with no restrictions and restraints, making it usable by companies of all sizes. The software even takes scalability into account for that reason, so you can grow your business smoothly.

All preventive maintenance task generation and scheduling can be automated in the software after you handle them for the first time. You can also develop meter-based or calendar-based PMs while setting up PM schedules to avoid equipment failure and repair costs.

The best thing about eMaint is that you can set up and conduct streamlined inspections through the software. Any maintenance technician involved can record inspection completions directly in the software for real-time updates.

Visit eMaint

5.      FTMaintenance

FTMaintenance is a complete preventive maintenance management system for companies of all sizes. The software has a specific focus on organizations with multiple facilities for better facilities management.

As maintenance professionals, you have complete control over all operations, allowing you to automate asset management, MRO inventory management, work order management, maintenance schedules, and preventive maintenance.

You can access the preventive maintenance software on mobile, too, allowing field technicians to use the software on the go and update maintenance activities in real-time.

FTMaintenance’s preventive maintenance option has direct controls for addressing repairs, managing emergencies, and improving equipment life. You can schedule all the preventive maintenance tasks using cycle count, calendar dates, or run time, among other options. You can also avoid redundant data entry with repeat purchase orders and multi-equipment work orders.

The most significant feature of FTMaintenance is that you can assigns tasks at certain frequencies on a single PM work order, making the entire process much more efficient.

Visit FTMaintenance

6.      Corrigo

Corrigo is a technology-based preventive maintenance software that focuses on field management.

The software is designed to offer complete oversight in the field. It’s ideal for capital planning since it lets you make insight-based repair and replace decisions at all times. The asset optimization and facilities asset management solution lets you make better decisions based on effective asset-based research.

Corrigo lets you automate all repair and processes, offering real-time insights into the costs and outcomes of each process. You can find all the necessary asset information while doing any of the repair work. That can include things like the asset-level condition, age of the asset, warranty status, work order history, and more.

You can also use the software to track each asset’s warranty status and apply any necessary requests automatically. That means if any asset faces any breakdown or issues, the software will automatically set up warranty-based repairs.

The best thing about Corrigo is that it focuses all its processes on the idea of preventive maintenance. Therefore, all the insights, downtime schedules, operational uptime, and operational interruptions are designed around a complete preventive maintenance plan.

Visit Corrigo

7.      Bigfoot CMMS

Bigfoot CMMS is a preventive maintenance software that focuses on proactive asset management; it’s developed by Dude Solutions and the Smartware Group as a one-in-all maintenance solution.

Since it’s a complete preventive maintenance software, you can schedule PM tasks using meter readings or calendar-based recordings. Ideally, you should consider using a combination of both methods.

You can view all PMs on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual basis. The different time settings allow you to make decisions based on various time schedules so you can plan accordingly.

The software allows you to manage all meter readings with a specific numerical value, making it easier for you to keep track of all readings and analyze them. Furthermore, the drag-and-drop functionality within the interface and dashboard helps save a lot of time while handling multiple PM tasks.

Full customizability in the PM schedules allows you to shift dates and times at any moment to account for any changes. The changes can be staff-related; for example, if an employee suddenly needs emergency healthcare services, or the change can be due to modified priorities.

In any case, you can check and manage all future schedules at all times and set up corrective work orders to have all the necessary information on one single screen.

The best thing about Bigfoot CMMS is that the software offers several templates and pre-set detailed procedures, videos, documents, and pictures to assist you with your preventive maintenance plan.

Visit Bigfoot CMMS

Choosing the Right Preventive Maintenance Software Solution for Your Organization

For most organizations with a lot of assets and equipment, a proper preventive maintenance program is crucial to scale their operations. To effectively manage all maintenance operations, it’s crucial to use good maintenance software. The best option is to use a one-in-all preventive maintenance software that allows you to schedule PM tasks, predict equipment breakdowns, and improve the lives of all assets.

However, choosing the right preventive maintenance software can be tricky, especially considering that each software has varying pricing systems. To determine what your organization needs, you need to determine the size of your company, the maintenance team, assets, facilities, and the order of priority of each asset and facility.

When you determine all those factors, you can match your needs with the services offered by each preventive maintenance software and choose one that matches all aspects, including your budget.

It’s best to develop a complete roadmap for your organization’s scaling and growth goals. It would help you assess future and potential demands for various operations, helping you make a better decision when investing in preventive maintenance software.

In any case, rather than focusing on different CMMS, work order, and preventive maintenance software, you can invest in a one-in-all system like Limble CMMS.

Published in Maintenance Resources

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